At Harlyn we have our own purpose built Nursery, with its own play areas. It caters for 30 children per morning and 15 for afternoon sessions. Morning sessions are 8.30-11.30 and afternoon sessions are 12.30-3.30.
It is run by a Nursery Teacher, Nursery Nurse and Nursery Assistants, one being a qualifed first aider. Children attend the Nursery from the age of three years. If the nursery is not full in the September intake, the school will consider a January intake of that academic year.
The learning environment is organised to enable the children to have learning opportunities in all seven areas of the curriculum, which are:-
Personal, Social and Emotional development.
Communication and Language.
Physical Development.
Understanding of the World.
Expressive Arts and Design.
We offer equal opportunities for all children and foster an understanding amongst children that all people should be equally valued within a secure, challenging and stimulating environment, where children develop a positive self image, self confidence and concern for others. Harlyn Nursery offers appropriate encouragement and praise to support all children in the accquisition of knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes.
We encourage parents/carers to be actively involved in the learning process and respect their status as the child's first educators.
We currently do not offer the 30 hours but parents who opt for the morning session may pay for their child to stay all day subject to spaces.
The current fees are £6.00 for the lunch hour and £24 for the afternoon session which includes the lunch hour. Fees are reviewed annually.
Parents can apply for a place in Harlyn's Reception class in September after their fourth birthday via Hillingdon Council. There is only one intake per year into the Reception Class.