Harlyn Primary's School Council consists of representatives from each class from Years Two to Six. Our aim is to ensure that pupils' voices are heard (Article 12) and that school is a happy and equal place for all. We meet frequently and our meeting topics cover a range of issues. So far we have raised over £300 at our Toy Sale and are in the process of purchasing toys and games for wet play boxes for the whole school.
Rights Respecting School
UNICEF is the world's leading organisation working to protect and promote children's rights. Our school started to work towards the UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Awards in January 2017 which focuses on the UN Convention on the Rights of a Child. The Convention says what countries must do so that all children grow as healthy as possible, can learn at school, are protected, have their views listened to and are treated fairly.
By July 2017, we had achieved our Recognition of Commitment, which is now called Bronze: Rights Committed.
We are currently working towards our Silver: Rights Aware award which shows that we are beginning to embed the rights into our teaching and school life. At Harlyn, we have explored our children's rights through lessons, class assemblies and displays. We have a Steering Group made up of children from Year 3 - 5 who help promote the rights in our school. So far, they have taken part in a range of activities such as: learning walks to look at displays, creating their own Steering Group newsletter and interviewing other children about their understanding of the rights.
Our slideshow below shows some examples of our class charters. These help support learning and behaviour in class through the children's rights.