Harlyn Primary School, Pinner / Northwood Hills - Welcome to our School Website!
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Harlyn Primary School

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4! laugh

Miss Ridgway - 4R Class Teacher

Mrs McGlaughlin & Mrs Hughes - 4MH Class Teachers


Welcome to Year 4!

We are looking forward to working with the children and supporting their learning journeys as they progress through their time in Year 4.

During the Autumn term, we will be learning about the The Romans and Brazil in our topic lessons. In Science, we will be exploring States of matter and Animals. The children will continue to speak and recognise new French vocabulary through songs, games and role-play.



Please note our PE days and ensure that your child has the correct PE kit in school:

4R - Tuesday (indoor) and Wednesday (outdoor)                   

4MH – Monday (indoor) and Tuesday (outdoor) 

All PE kit must be clearly labelled and consist of:

  • White T-shirt, blue or black shorts, plimsolls
  • Track suit or sweatshirt and jogging bottoms, trainers.

Children who have their ears pierced must either remove their earrings for P.E. or must be provided with microporous tape to cover them.



This is set on a Friday and is due in the following Wednesday. The homework is fully explained on the sheet in the Homework Book and the weekly newsletter. The spelling test will be done on the Friday of the following week. We will report the scores of your child's spelling test in their homework books or reading records. 


If you have any concerns or need to speak to your child’s teacher, please make an appointment via the office in reception. You can also email your queries about the curriculum via this email address:


Weekly Newsletter

Google Classroom - A Guide for Parents and Children
