Harlyn Primary School, Pinner / Northwood Hills - Welcome to our School Website!
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Harlyn Primary School



Reception Classes

RL- Mrs Leng   

RB- Mrs Blakeley- Cox

We are pleased to welcome back all the children after the Christmas break. We are looking forward to the new term and exploring our new topics. Our Spring Term topics are Transport in the first half term and Animals in the second half.


In this term we will be taking part in World Book Day and we will also be doing lots of exciting activities linked to our transport topic. For more details please refer to our weekly newsletters.


This half term we are learning all about Transport and travel. We will be reading lots of stories about different forms of transport; on air, water and land, making our own models and learning all about road safety.


We would love to hear from any parents who have links with the travel industry who would be willing to come in and share their experiences with the children.


Our topic for the second half of the term will be Animals when we explore different types of animals and their habitats.




Reading books are changed every Monday and Thursday.

Library books will be changed on the following days:

RL- Wednesday

RB- Friday


P.E days for the classes are as follows:

RL- Thursday and Friday

RB- Wednesday and Friday

Please ensure your child comes to school dressed in the correct P.E. kit, on their PE days, so they can fully participate in their P.E. lessons.


Indoor Kit: T- shirt, shorts and plimsolls


Outdoor Kit: Plain, dark coloured tracksuit and trainers/ plimsolls.

All clothing and belongings need to be named and tape needs to be provided to cover earrings on PE days.


Meet the Teachers
