Harlyn Primary School, Pinner / Northwood Hills - Welcome to our School Website!
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Harlyn Primary School

Year 3


Welcome to Year 3 

 Ms Mussa - 3M  (Year 3 & Year 4 Phase Leader)

Mr Spratt - 3P Class Teacher (Deputy Head)


Support Staff: Mrs DiMauro, Mrs Tanner, Miss Amey, Mrs Besley


We would like to welcome you to Year 3 and the start of Key Stage 2! 

We look forward to working with you this year. 


If you have a any questions or concerns and need to speak to your child's teacher, please do not hesitate to call the school office to make an appointment.  You can also email us using the year 3 email address where a member of the year 3 team will respond to you as soon as possible:


This year we are encouraging more independence in both learning and being responsible for our own belongings. 


PE Days

3M - Thursday (indoor) and Monday (outdoor)

3P - Friday (indoor) and Monday (outdoor)


Homework and Spellings

Homework is set on a Friday and is due in the following Wednesday. Homework consists of weekly spellings and timetables, a Maths task (Doodle Maths) and an optional task.





Spring Term


Here is an overview of what we will be learning this term.


  • Plants and Light & Shadows


  • Map work - lines of Longitude and Latitude
  • Comparing the UK to some countries in Europe & North America


  • Ancient Greece


  • illustrators - Lauren Child
  • Mosaic art - Ancient Greece


  • Famous Christian figures that shaped the world
  • Judaism


  • Mental Health & Well Being
  • Relationships and Changes

Meet the Teacher Presentation

Weekly Newsletters & Spellings

Weekly Maths Homework

Reading at Home

To help you enjoy reading together, please find below a link that will enable your child to have free access to a wide range of online levelled books.

Please follow the link below and check the document 'How Parents can access Collins books' to help you log into this site and select books. 


Login details:


Password:  Parents20!

Educational websites to use at home ...

GOOGLE CLASSROOM - A guide for Parents and Children
