Welcome to Year 1!
1CM - Mrs Colman/Mrs Marriott 1P - Mrs Petley
Teaching Assistants - Mrs Verma, Mrs Newman, Mrs Doll, Ms Hughes
Autumn Term
Our learning this term:
Science - Animals including humans, learning about our body parts and our senses, classifying animals and their body parts – herbivores, carnivores and omnivores
Geography- Learning about the local area in relation to home and school, recognising physical features in the locality, creating and recognising symbols on a map.
History - Kings, Queens and Castles.
RE - Christianity.
Art - Famous artists.
Please encourage your child to read and share books at home on a DAILY basis for about 10-15 minutes and record in their yellow reading record book.
Weekly homework, which supports the curriculum work in class, is given on a Friday and is due in the following Wednesday. This will start after the October half term.
In order to take part in P.E lessons children must have the correct kit. This is a ‘Harlyn’ PE t-shirt & blue shorts and a dark coloured tracksuit for when the weather is colder. Trainers are also required. Please make sure all kit is named including trainers.
Indoor P.E.
1P – Friday 1CM – Tuesday
Outdoor P.E.
1P – Wednesday 1CM – Friday
The children should be reading daily and it should be recorded in their reading record. Daily reading to an adult is so important and has a huge impact on the progress they make with their reading. Reading books will be changed approx. 3 times per week. The children are welcome to bring in their favourite book to enjoy during guided reading.
We will visit the library once per week. Children will only be able to take out a new book if they return their current one.
1P – Friday, 1CM – Thursday
Useful online Maths teaching resources
1) White Rose Hub - is a resource we use in school. The White Rose Hub has provided free online lessons and activities to support your child's learning at home. Each lesson/activity is aligned to the National Curriculum for each Year Group.