Chick Update Monday 22nd June 2020
Well, it has been a really exciting week!
The girls were 16weeks old on Tuesday 16th June and have really grown. They are, I think, quite beautiful.
Valerie has been getting into trouble by jumping onto the roof of their coop and then onto our tall fence. We have had to cover their run and coop with bird netting to keep them in. Valerie and Tilly still managed to escape.
On Friday, I was so egg-cited as when I went to check on the girls I found an egg – our first egg. I was absolutely amazed as I wasn’t egg-specting any eggs for another few weeks yet. The egg was really small but perfect.
Thankfully, now that many of the lockdown restrictions have been eased, we took delivery of the new run that we had ordered right at the beginning of April. It arrived during one of the many rain showers we had last week, but thankfully on Saturday the sun shone and so we headed out into the garden to begin putting it all together. There were 13 panels so it was like a giant jigsaw puzzle.
We had to move the chicken coop (house), and put down very strong wire to make sure that rats and foxes cannot dig their way into the run and steal their food or try to eat the chickens. We also surrounded the entire coop with paving slabs which are easy to keep clean and helps to make sure the foxes do not get into the run.
Once we got the back section completed we were able to move the coop inside the run so that we could continue building the run around their coop as it would be too big to get through the door.
Once it was complete we secured the wire even more by joining it together where it was overlapped. We then put down 3 bags of sharp sand so that the chickens would not walk about on the wire. On top of this we put down bark chippings to make them really comfortable.
Finally, after a very long day, we were able to open the coop door and let the girls explore their new home.
They absolutely love it and were very happy indeed. So happy in fact that on Sunday we had a second egg. They must have been really happy with their new home.
Can you spot the differences between the two eggs? Do you think they are from the same chicken or different chickens?
I am hoping that we will be getting more eggs over the next week and soon they will begin to lay every day.
Take Care
Mrs. Warren, Tilly, Valerie, Clementine and Pearl.